When you buy your home, you’ll probably need to take out a loan to pay for it.
Having already established your Home or investment property you will no doubt come to a time when you wish to review your situation. Whether this is as a result of the end of a special rate or the requirement of increasing or reducing the loan size our advisers will be happy to offer you an initial review. You may even wish to add or remove somebody from a mortgage as a result of a change in personal circumstances. Our adviser pride themselves on not being merely order takers. Their objective will be to get you the most appropriate deal for your circumstances to ensure that you pay the smallest amount of interest possible over the term of your mortgage making sure that it is fully affordably and sustainable. This means that they will challenge the remaining term of your mortgage to establish if it is possible to repay your loan earlier than planned. They will also challenge you in particular if they establish in the event of an interest only strategy if your repayment vehicle seems inappropriate. You should remember that this does not mean that they would be responsible for any shortfall.